I just finished my final project for Bachelor degree (yippi :D). During that time I was so hectic and busy doing all final project's stuff. And right now I wanna share a little bit about what i have been doing for fun when i got stuck in my final project. I never expect that it'll make me addictive until now. It is volunteering at Kampung Edukasi.
Kampung Edukasi is community service organized by Inspiring Youth Educator (IYE) Surabaya. It is located at Keputih Tegal RT 5 with so many children and social problem.The design of Kampung Edukasi is Play and Study. What we have been through are daily science, the way to socialize for children, moral, and culture. The point is I never felt the real teaching with heart like this before. I think that there really is a deep connection between the children and me. It makes me teach them every thing I know will be the best for them without considering and worrying whether it is fit with the lesson plan or not hehe. We feel the freedom to study together :)
Anyway, here are some pictures designed by XL Future Leader's fellas who visited IYE and choosed Kampung Edukasi as their reference community service in Surabaya. It is amazing and touching how they package Kampung Edukasi to be a very good visual. Thanks for them >_<
That's all. I just wanna showing off some pictures hehe.
But, it is good to being good for others, right? :)
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